December 12, representatives of the St. Petersburg Center for International rating SHA (SHA IRC) awarded certificates of registration in the list of World Intangible Heritage of Humanity nine cultural sites. The status of "human spiritual heritage object" were the representatives of BDT them. GA BDT, Catherine Palace, St. Isaac's Cathedral, Levashovsky Memorial Cemetery, Mosque "Heart of Chechnya", the Museum of AS Pushkin, Catherine's Palace Lower stables, New Jerusalem Monastery and the Epic of Manas.
Ceremony of awarding certificates held in the Atrium of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly in the Tauride Palace. Certificates representatives of objects presented Consul General of International Ratings Center SHA Alexander Rabinovich.
Presentation of certificates cultural objects is the active position of authorities and management of the territory a cultural object in resource mobilization and organization of work for the conservation and enhancement inherited from previous generations of spiritual heritage monuments. Adding a cultural monument in the list of Intangible Heritage of Humanity opens new information, material and financial opportunities to move an object in space.
The event was attended by PhD, Professor DP Havre, General Director of the Regional Association of Employers "Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Leningrad region AF Gabitov, director of IRC Eurasian Office Erastov VV, the head of the international activities of the museum and cultural projects -Historical "St. Isaac's Cathedral" IT Vovnenko (№2 St. Isaac's Cathedral), Deputy Plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Chechen republic in the NWFD AH Kahiev (№7 Mosque "Heart of Chechnya"), deputy artistic director of BDT im.Tovstonogova I. N.Shimbarevich (№12 BDT them. GA BDT), Deputy General Director of the State museum-preserve "Tsarskoye Selo" on international relations and cultural programs O.F.Filimonova (№17 Catherine Palace), Deputy Secretary General of the Council of the IPA CIS N.A.Satvaldiev (№18 Manas Epic), the head of the Defense Levashovo OD Ivanov (№21 levashovo memorial cemetery), director of the All-Russian Pushkin Museum S.M.Nekrasov (№25 Museum AS Pushkin), CEO of the construction company "Korf" TS Voloh (№30 Lower stables), a representative of the administration of the urban settlement Istra EN Abrosimov (№33 New Jerusalem Monastery).