Уважаемые организаторы и участники Первого Инвестиционного Форума Россия-Пакистан!
Dear organizers and participants of the First Investment Forum Russia-Pakistan!
Dear colleagues from Pakistan!
Colleagues from Russia!
On behalf of Leaders of International Ratings Center and from me, I glad to welcome you all at today's event.
Russian-Pakistan relations have come a long way. 1st Russian-Pakistan Investment Forum opened today. To achieve sustainable development, the process of joining forces longer important now than ever. Russia is one of the largest and most reliable partners in the world. Possibilities Pakistan significant and undervalued on the world stage. Business and economy are always the engines of development, but that is something we need to develop to be supported.
Any nation, any state of its strong story. More stronger the roots, more tree above. Only by relying on its history and culture, and keeping them, the state becomes strong.
International Rating Center carries out work of forming the world ranking in the field of conservation and the formation of the objects of the spiritual heritage of countries. World ranking is formed under the auspices of, on the principles and values of the United Nations and UNESCO. It includes most countries of the world.
Our mission is to create a single unified territory spiritual heritage. The world consists of countries each of them has its own history and culture. We all interact. No country in the world can live and develop in isolation.
You may ask, how is relations of the history and spiritual heritage of the country joins to the economy, business and finance? The most direct!
The development of international relations is based on mutual respect, and respect is born of understanding. When your partner understand you and your business, they can trust you. The same happens with the countries. When other countries understand your culture, your history, its roots, then they have a basis for trust and dialogue.
We not only forming the world ranking, but also helping individual countries in shaping the tools of development and improve their national rankings and their promotion on the world stage.
This directly affects the positioning of the country in the world, political and economic processes of negotiation between countries to attract external finance, the direction of international and domestic tourism flows and direction the formation of an investment climate of the state.
For example, the inclusion of any object to the international rating increases in times its investment attractiveness and significantly increases the credibility of international investors, and dozens of times increases the flow of tourists from other countries to this object.
We have formed one of the most effective tools to improve the investment attractiveness and the management of tourist flows in the international arena today.
As is known, in order to up the garden, it is necessary first to plant trees. In order for them to grow tall and strong they have to be watered. But to this garden feast for the eyes it must be skillfully cultivated. And for this we need knowledge, tools and reliable partners.
All the best to you!